4 research outputs found

    Towards the development and verification of a 3D-based advanced optimized farm machinery trajectory algorithm

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    Efforts related to minimizing the environmental burden caused by agricultural activities and increasing economic efficiency are key contemporary drivers in the precision agriculture domain. Controlled Traffic Farming (CTF) techniques are being applied against soil compaction creation, using the on-line optimization of trajectory planning for soil-sensitive field operations. The research presented in this paper aims at a proof-of-concept solution with respect to optimizing farm machinery trajectories in order to minimize the environmental burden and increase economic efficiency. As such, it further advances existing CTF solutions by including (1) efficient plot divisions in 3D, (2) the optimization of entry and exit points of both plot and plot segments, (3) the employment of more machines in parallel and (4) obstacles in a farm machinery trajectory. The developed algorithm is expressed in terms of unified modeling language (UML) activity diagrams as well as pseudo-code. Results were visualized in 2D and 3D to demonstrate terrain impact. Verifications were conducted at a fully operational commercial farm (Rostenice, the Czech Republic) against second-by-second sensor measurements of real farm machinery trajectories

    Nontraditional materials in tree dimensional Art make, forcefully for textille material and Toy

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    My dissertation is about material transformation in space creation at the turn of 19th century, where the beginning of modern statuary is dated. Follows up connecting of unconventional and new materials to modern art production. It's engaged in textile and fabric very closely, from its emancipating from the utility value - concretely the tapestry production in Czechoslovakia, it's transformation to Soft Art of the 60th. The main theme of my practical work is fabric and is realized in textile space object - children toy. It seems paradox that I choose for the practical part of my dissertation called unconventional work with fabric - the most traditional object. But my intention was to create a fabric toy on the border of utility value and art object. Because of that my last chapter in dissertation work is dedicated to theoretic principles of children evolution and childrens' play. Among others I put the question "what's the toy" and I tried to find the answer through the recapitulation of the exhibition "Salon hraček 2007" (Toy exhibition 2007).Diplomová práce se zabývá proměnou materiálů v prostorové tvorbě od přelomu 19. století, tedy od vzniku moderního sochařství. Sleduje zapojování netradičních a nových materiálů do umělecké tvorby. Podrobněji se zabývá textilním materiálem, od jeho postupného vymaňování se z užité tvorby, konkrétně gobelínové tvorby v Československu, do méně tradičních poloh soft artu a textilního umění šedesátých let. Textilním materiálem se zabývá i praktická práce, která je reali- zována v textilním prostorovém objektu, dětské hračce. Může se zdát paradoxní, že pro výběr praktické části - netradiční práce s textilem - vybírám snad nejtradičnější předmět textilního průmyslu - dětskou hračku, ale mým cílem je právě pokus o textilní hračku na pomezí užité tvorby a výtvarného objektu. Vzhledem k tématu praktické části, věnuji poslední kapitolu teoretickému základu o vývoji dítěte a o dětské hře. Mimo jiné se ptám po zásadní otázce "co je to hračka" a odpověď se snažím nalézt mimo jiné skrz rekapitulaci tradičně konané výstavy "Salon hraček 2007".Katedra výtvarné výchovyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Nontraditional materials in tree dimensional Art make, forcefully for textille material and Toy

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    My dissertation is about material transformation in space creation at the turn of 19th century, where the beginning of modern statuary is dated. Follows up connecting of unconventional and new materials to modern art production. It's engaged in textile and fabric very closely, from its emancipating from the utility value - concretely the tapestry production in Czechoslovakia, it's transformation to Soft Art of the 60th. The main theme of my practical work is fabric and is realized in textile space object - children toy. It seems paradox that I choose for the practical part of my dissertation called unconventional work with fabric - the most traditional object. But my intention was to create a fabric toy on the border of utility value and art object. Because of that my last chapter in dissertation work is dedicated to theoretic principles of children evolution and childrens' play. Among others I put the question "what's the toy" and I tried to find the answer through the recapitulation of the exhibition "Salon hraček 2007" (Toy exhibition 2007)

    Machine Learning-Based Processing Proof-of-Concept Pipeline for Semi-Automatic Sentinel-2 Imagery Download, Cloudiness Filtering, Classifications, and Updates of Open Land Use/Land Cover Datasets

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    Land use and land cover are continuously changing in today’s world. Both domains, therefore, have to rely on updates of external information sources from which the relevant land use/land cover (classification) is extracted. Satellite images are frequent candidates due to their temporal and spatial resolution. On the contrary, the extraction of relevant land use/land cover information is demanding in terms of knowledge base and time. The presented approach offers a proof-of-concept machine-learning pipeline that takes care of the entire complex process in the following manner. The relevant Sentinel-2 images are obtained through the pipeline. Later, cloud masking is performed, including the linear interpolation of merged-feature time frames. Subsequently, four-dimensional arrays are created with all potential training data to become a basis for estimators from the scikit-learn library; the LightGBM estimator is then used. Finally, the classified content is applied to the open land use and open land cover databases. The verification of the provided experiment was conducted against detailed cadastral data, to which Shannon’s entropy was applied since the number of cadaster information classes was naturally consistent. The experiment showed a good overall accuracy (OA) of 85.9%. It yielded a classified land use/land cover map of the study area consisting of 7188 km2 in the southern part of the South Moravian Region in the Czech Republic. The developed proof-of-concept machine-learning pipeline is replicable to any other area of interest so far as the requirements for input data are met